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Doctorate in Education

Doctorate in Public Administration


​ Teaching method: EAD – Distance Education, with face-to-face meetings for the defense of theses.


Meeting locations: 

Rio de Janeiro/RJ – São Paulo/SP – Brasília/DF and Manaus/AM


DOCTORATE courses last for months:

- Minimum 24 months

- Maximum 48 months


Postgraduate courses in have their curriculum and teaching regime authorized by Community University Florida, subject to the General Rules of this Institution of Higher Education in the United States of America.


The  Postgraduate Stricto Sensu courses DOCTORADOS  at Community University Florida, which must be completed within a maximum period of 48 Months.


Classes will be taught completely online with possible face-to-face guidance to guide the final work (Doctoral Thesis




  • Didactics of Science, Training of Science Teachers.

  • Social history of education, Social Classes, Gender. Race and Education, Social and Educational Practices of Young People and Adults.

  • Daily life of the School and Popular Movements, Literacy of students from the popular classes.

  • Philosophy, Aesthetics and Society.

  • Production of subjectivities and knowledge in their relations with educational and cultural processes, Language production processes, cultural identities and educational practices.

  • Evaluation of education policies and financing, Political Philosophy and Historical Processes in Education, Training of Education Professionals.

  • Historical reconstruction of the relationship between work and education, the world of work and human development.





  • Accountability in the public area

  • Transparency in public information

  • Analysis of public policies.

  • Role of the State and its Relationship with the Market and Society

  • State action and its relationship with the market and civil society

  • State capabilities, entrepreneurial state and development

  •  Accounting

  • Accounting Applied to the Public Sector

  • Controllership and Public Management

  • State and public policies

  • State, society and Public Administration

  • Public Finance and Budget Management

  • Public Finance and Budget Management

  • Formulation and management

  • Management of Information, Knowledge, Innovation and Technology

  • Public Project Management

  • Public Management and Sustainability

  • Government, Business and University

  • Women at the University and power relations.

  • Neoliberalism and Neoliberal Rationality

  • International Public Accounting Standards

  • Compliance with the Fiscal Responsibility Law by government entities.

  • Public policy

  • Public Policies: formulation and management

  • Sustainable Management Practices

  • Work psychopathologies and power relations

  • Welfare schemes and social protection policies

  • State-society relations in Brazil

  • Sustainability

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