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doctor Gilberto Lopez Gonzalez

Administrative Director

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doctor German Achilles
Administrative Director

He is a Postgraduate in the Stricto Sensu Modality as Dr. in Educational Sciences, and Dr. in Science of Religion, Master in Education and Science of Religion.


Postgraduate in the Lato Sensu modality in: Higher Education Teaching, Educational Law, Human Rights at School, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Civil and Civil Procedure Law, Notarial and Registry Law, Family and Succession Law, Judicial Expertise and Extrajudicial, Copies of Documents with Emphasis on Judicial Expertise, Children's Rights, Adolescents' and Elderly People's Rights, Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation.


Graduated in Pedagogy and Theology. Writer author of 11 Literary Works, Lecturer, Advisor and Educational Consultant.


Polyglot has experience in the area of public teaching for over 13 years and is a Technical Assistant at SEDUC-AM.


doctor Darius Ferreira
Administrative Director

A well-known higher education thought leader and renowned scholar in Brazil

A nationally respected voice in Brazil on the value of global and experimental education.


He has 26 years of experience as an Educational Manager.

Graduated in Administration

Information Systems Management


  • 11 Postgraduate courses in Lato Sensu – Educational Administration ,Public Administration, Pedagogical Coordination, Teaching in Higher Education, Distance Learning Management and Tutoring, Special and Inclusive Education and Disability  Multiple and Intellectual ,Ethics, Philosophy and Sociology ,  Politics and Society, Public Policy in Education, Sociology and Philosophy, School Supervision.


  • Doctorate in Education.

  • National President of ABRASOCIAL – Brazilian Association of Social Services

  • National President of the USB party – Union of the Brazilian Society

  • ​President of the Brazilian University

  • Director Community University.


Acts as a Political Consultant in the formation of political parties.

Students Taking Exams


At Community University Florida, we strive to improve our students through educational experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Community University Florida aims to create a haven where students feel safe to face challenges and fulfill all of their goals, both personally and professionally. We offer a variety of services designed to help students be the best version of themselves, while having fun along the way.



At Community University Florida we respect our students and understand that everyone has individual wants and needs. We believe that learning can only be fostered by a sense of mutual respect, guidance and direction, and we do our best to uphold these values in everything we do. Our unique approach provides our students with the appropriate support system that will help lead them on the path to success.

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